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PN – Change of Entity for X Freightcorp employees – how will it affect you?

Jul 18, 2019PN Updates

Pacific National Members previously employed by FREIGHTCORP will have recently been advised by their employer that the company intend transitioning you from your current entity “Pacific National NSW Pty Ltd” to “Pacific National Services Pty Ltd”.

This proposed transition may have significant impact on those employees affected. Pacific National Supplied a Q & A sheet however in our view has not provided all the detail necessary.

Being such a complex issue the RTBU is currently seeking legal advice on this matter before sending a formal letter to Pacific National as allowed for under the consultation provision of the various enterprise agreements.

We believe on balance, and despite potentially some greater benefits in the comcare scheme, the current state scheme in practice provides a better level of support for most injuries and most injured people. We will be conveying this to PN once our advice is complete.

So as we can ensure members concerns are addressed we encourage all members to send any questions they have by email to kpryor@rtbunsw.asn.au by close of business next Monday 22nd July 2019.

Please click here to download the full Newsflash.

