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OSCAR trains see the light

Jul 18, 2012News

New windscreens have now been fitted to OSCAR Set H2 following RTBU Loco Divisions efforts to get better quality windscreens fixed in the trains. Members who operate these trains will know that the current windscreen is of a poor quality which leads to a “hazy” or “cloudy” appearance when in direct or indirect sunlight.

The new windscreen is a significant Improvement on the original, which you can clearly see in the image below. This new windscreen will be trialled over the coming months.

Members are encouraged to supply feedback on this new windscreen to the Loco Divisions Passenger Organiser, Bob Newham via fax (92647679) or email on bnewham@rtbu-nsw.asn.au.

Spot the difference: Old version of the windscreen on the right and the new version, which is currently being trialled, on the left

