NSW Trains – Safety Critical Daily Distribution

May 27, 2020NSW Trains

NSW Trains have recently advised the Locomotive Division that they are in the process of making changes to safety critical daily distribution in response to receiving a Regulator Improvement Notice following the Wallan derailment.

NSW Trains have advised:

  • They now have electronic access to all Rail Infrastructure Managers (RIM’s) and their daily changes to operations and will be providing this information via fax to drivers at their sign on location for every sign on across Regional NSW.
  • In Melbourne, attesting will occur at Southern Cross where there is an office on the platform utilised by a contractor to NSW Trains. There is supposed to be a phone in this office for crew to contact TCAC and a Fax machine for receipt of daily safety information.

InterCity members will also be impacted with the new requirement applying to daily speed notices and the like with the long standing Remote Attesting Procedure proposed to be more strictly regulated and all requirements enforced across all areas of NSW Trains.

NSW Trains have also advised:

  • It will also be mandatory for all members to attend their sign on location.
  • A procedure is now being developed for the new requirements.
  • Members will be briefed on the changes once it is completed.

Members will be required to verbally acknowledge receipt of the documents to either staff in attendance or by contacting their shift manager or TCAC.

Click here to download the complete Footplate.

