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New Sydney Trains Train Crew Depots

Sep 17, 2014News

Consultation with Sydney Trains is currently underway regarding the establishment of train crew depots at Leppington Stabling Yard (LSY) and Auburn Stabling Yard (ASY).

Initial crewing requirements have now been supplied to the working group, showing that LSY will require 45 drivers and ASY 56.

Both locations are set to commence operations in January 2015, and Liverpool will cease to be a train crew depot from that date. Liverpool crew will receive first preference to transfer to LSY or ASY.

Owing to the commissioning of ASY, Flemington depot will lose up to 40 driver positions and as such will receive second preference for ASY as well as ASY. Sydney Trains has recently supplied an expression of interest for Liverpool and Flemington drivers for transfer to either new location.

Drivers at the affected locations who do not wish to transfer to either new location can apply for transfer to another depot subject to seniority and a vacancy existing at their chosen depot. Failing these options, drivers can be accommodated at Central depot.

Transfers from other depots to either new location will be via the agreed existing transfer process.

See the full Footplate here.

