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New Sydney and NSW Trains management

Jul 2, 2013News

The new business groups of RailCorp – NSW and Sydney Trains – have commenced operations as of July 1, 2013.

New management structures are now partly in place across the entities and numerous positions are currently being filled by previous managers in an ‘acting’ capacity at this stage.

It remains to be seen how effective the new structures will be and concerns still exist regarding the ‘non operational’ capabilities of some of these roles.

Unfortunately, in Sydney Trains some new managers have not got off to a very promising start, with one depot reporting its new manager has been removing all RTBU documentation not in its union case, from meal rooms and sign-on points.

There have also been reports of the same manager attempting to adopt a very aggressive stance with employees – going against the “work together” and “team work” approach of the new entities trumpeted by the Transport Minister.

This attitude has obviously not been well received and doesn’t bode well for the future harmony of that workplace should it continue.

The Loco Division is working to ensure workers’ rights are respected and will keep members updated on any progress.

