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New Millennium Train Windscreen and Seat Trial

Aug 15, 2012News

New windscreens have now been fitted to the drivers side of the Millennium trains, following driver concerns that the original windscreens fitted gave off a “hazy” or “cloudy” appearance when in direct or indirect sunlight.

RTBU efforts to have the issue rectified have resulted in the new windscreen being fitted to the drivers side of Millennium Set M35, car number D1072.

The Loco Division has also been successful in having Tangara type seats fitted to Millennium Sets M5, M27, M29 and M32 in recognition of the ongoing issues raised by members regarding the current Millennium seat type.

The RTBU believes the installation of the new windscreen and seats is a significant improvement and can advise that these will be trialled over the coming months.

It would be appreciated if members could supply feedback on the new windscreen and seats to the Loco Divisions Passenger Organiser, Bob Newham via fax (92647679) or email on bnewham@rtbu-nsw.asn.au.

