My Time and Pay Update
A reminder that as of Sunday 27 July, all Sydney and NSW Trains employees are required to swipe on and off duty.
The Kronos clocks have been installed at sign on/off locations and members will now be required to utilise these devices at their rostered sign on times and again at the completion of their scheduled working shift. It’s important however that you also continue to use your timesheets in conjunction with the clocks during the initial phase, as wages will still be calculated based on timesheet information.
Current agreed Remote Attesting locations and provisions will continue to apply for crew sign on purposes.
For information regarding any concerns with the sign off procedural requirements, the Train Crew-Attesting and Sign on-off Procedure will apply.
For NSW Trains Regional Drivers (previous CountryLink) the provisions of the CountryLink Sign on/off and Fitness for Work Procedure will continue to apply.
If you have any queries regarding any aspect of the introduction of this system, please contact their local RTBU Delegate or the Locomotive Division direct.