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Momentum Superannuation Payments Newsflash

Jun 11, 2019News

On the 20th of April 2017, a Locomotive Division member found that the compulsory Superannuation payments for ordinary hours worked had not been paid on Public Holidays and wrote to Momentum (the Company) requesting a review of the amount of Superannuation that had been paid.

Their response was that “compulsory Employer Super Contributions are only payable on your normal time hours; any hours paid at penalty rates do not attract the 9.5% super guarantee”, which the member and Locomotive Division did not agree with.

As this matter kept appearing around every Public Holiday, with no resolution in sight, after 16 months, the member requested the assistance of the Locomotive Division to write to the company in an effort to resolve the matter.

On the 22nd of May this year we received a response from the Company acknowledging that incorrect payment calculations had been made and they were now working to identify these and any outstanding contributions lodged with the ATO as soon as possible.

The Locomotive Division encourages all members to constantly review their pay dockets and highlight any discrepancies with the Company to make sure all entitlements, including the Superannuation Guarantee payments are made correctly.

Please click here to download the full newsflash.

