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LocoTV – 5 December 2013

Dec 5, 2013

In this edition of Loco TV get the latest on the Rail Entities discussions and the Aurizon EA, and finally, some good news for El Zorro workers…

El Zorro
There’s finally some good news for El Zorro members, who were left without pay and entitlements after the company went into liquidation earlier in the year.
The Loco Division has been able to confirm with the official liquidators’ office that some funds to pay members can now be released.
So far super have not been guaranteed, however the liquidators are still working to recover funds which may be able to be used for super payments down the track.
To date $1.6million has been paid out by the liquidators.
The Aurizon Intermodal enterprise agreement has finally been certified and is now in operation.
The Loco Division would like to congratulate everyone for their support and dedication throughout the negotiations, which at one stage saw members vote to reject the company’s version of the agreement.
Thanks to everyone’s unity and commitment an agreement has been achieved that, as a whole, is a significant improvement on the previous one and provides for fair wages and conditions.
Rail Entities
Key requirements for the new Rail Entities enterprise agreement will be put to members at mass meetings across the state.
The requirements are contained in a resolution, which was approved by delegates and is based on feedback from a recent members survey.
They include a commitment to having a single agreement that covers all employees currently covered by the existing RailCorp agreement, and the inclusion of journey cover for workers compensation, given the O’Farrell Government’s recent removal of the cover.

Our Transport
Still on Rail Entities, and a new website has been launched as part of the upcoming negotiations.
The RTBU has teamed up with seven other transport unions to launch the Our Transport website, which calls for an end to slashing staff, outsourcing services and underinvestment in our public transport system. It will also house information for members on the EA negotiations.
It’s still in its early stages, but go to ourtransport.org.au to have a look.

