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LocoTV – 26 November 2014

Nov 27, 2014

In this edition of LocoTV hear about the calls for improved safety in train tunnels, NSW Trains’ crib payment problems, the uniform issue making train crew hot under the collar, and the PN superannuation debacle.

The RTBU has recently raised concerns with Pacific National about the safety of train crew travelling through tunnels.
The union believes it is critical that operators provide breathing unites on all trains in the event of an emergency evacuation. With numerous reports of failures which have resulted in trains barely limping through the tunnels, this is more important than ever.
PN recently gave a presentation which highlighted the new technologies it is looking at introducing, however the Loco Division says it is long overdue and that the company has not taken enough action when it come to maintenance issues which are causing failures.
Stay tuned for more information on this one, and make sure you report anything that could lead to exhaust inhalation in the cab to the union immediately.

NSW Trains’ failure to address the ongoing issue of payments for crib breaks has forced the Loco Division to take the company to the Fair Work Commission.
NSW Trains is claiming that crib is associated work which means that members are missing out of the standalone crib payment.
The Fair Work Commission is due to hear the case in December. Stayed tuned for the outcome of that one.

The recent searing Sydney temperatures have left a large number of Sydney Trains drivers very hot under the collar.
The majority of members are now wearing the newly issued uniform, which consists of a dark grey shirt and black trousers, however it is proving to be completely inappropriate for the types of work members are undertaking.
The Loco Division has received a huge number of complaints about the new uniform, and the ludicrous ban on shorts, and in response is now conducting a survey of Sydney Trains drivers to itemise all the issues raised in order to take them to senior management.
Members are encouraged to complete the survey, which can be found on the Loco Express website, and return it their organiser or fax it into the RTBU head office by the 5th of December.

There are concerns that Pacific National hasn’t been including holiday loading in its superannuation calculations.
The union confronted the company about the problem, and was advised that holiday loading isn’t considered part of ordinary earnings by the Australian Tax Office.
The move, which the company never discussed with the union or its workforce, has in in effect cur the recent 0.5% legislated increase to members’ super.
The union is currently seeking legal advice on the issue.

And finally, the final results of the RTBU elections are now in. A big congratulations to all those who were elected to represent members – particularly our Loco Division reps.
Bob Hayden has again been elected as the Loco Division Secretary.
A full list of reps is available on the Loco Division website

