LocoTV – 23 July
In this edition of LocoTV, hear the latest on the Rail Entities EA, Pacific National’s redundancy plans, the seat upgrade on Millennium trains and the debacle at Moss Vale which has left employees shivering.
Drivers and guards on Millennium trains will hopefully have a more comfortable ride in the future, with new seats currently being installed at Cardiff.
The move comes after both the Loco division and workplace health and safety representatives raised concerns about the original seats.
16 seats will be installed in the trains in the first instance, and members are asked to supply feedback.
The company had also tried to sneak in a software modification which has not just passed trials, while the seats were being installed, however that move was quickly scuppered by vigilant members who raised the alarm.
It’s been pretty chilly at Moss Vale lately, with members being ordered to remove their warm winter jackets because they’re not part of the new uniform.
The Loco Division fought to have the winter jackets included in the new unfirm, however NSW Trains refused – even for areas where the temperature can fall below zero degree.
To make matters worse at Moss Vale, the heating systems on some stock has been broken and workers wearing the warm jackets have been threatened with being stood down unless they remove them.
The Loco Division is continuing to argue the need for appropriate clothing for worker with the company.
If you find yourself in a similar situation to the Moss Vale crew, please contact the Loco Division office.
Unprecedented numbers of members turned out for the Combined Rail Unions briefings held across the state over recent weeks.
Members at the meetings raised concerns about a number of the points in the company’s current EA proposal, including the wages offer, the term of the agreement, and the dispute settlement procedure.
The combined rail unions will meet with management this week to further these issues, and are hoping to have an improved proposal to present to members in the coming weeks.
Things are still difficult over at Pacific National, with the company continuing to play hardball over its redundancy program.
The union recently met with PN management to discuss the company’s business integration program and to clarify reports about more job losses.
Union representatives left the meeting still concerned that the company is using an internal review of staffing as an excuse to casualise the workforce.
The RTBU is committed to ensuring workers at Pacific National are treated fairly and that the company operates with adequate transparency.
If you hear any new information about the restructure at PN, please let your local delegate or organiser know.
And finally, another shipment of the popular Loco Division backpacks has just arrived.
The bags always sell out quickly, so contact the Loco Division office to secure yours.