Loco Express: Secretary’s Report
July 31, 2020

Dear members,
We all know the NIF is nothing but an unsafe and flawed toy from NSW Trains and no matter how they try to dress it up, we will not ignore the safety concerns and operational problems it has. We do not care about how much money has gone into it, we care about the safety and wellbeing of the crew and passengers, as you would hope NSW Trains would.
The NIF simulator is being taken around to various depots for members to have a look at the design. As members are aware, we are still in conflict with NSW Trains over their failed consultative process and this roadshow cannot make that go away.
On top of all that, the emergency buttons on the train are going to be linked to a call centre. It is hard to believe that in an emergency, passengers will not be able to even communicate directly with the crew. How can a call centre manage a possible life-threatening situation, including driver incapacitation, from a concrete edifice tucked away in Alexandria? The question needs to be asked, does NSW Trains and TfNSW even care about the welfare of the public and/or their dedicated employees?
Transport for NSW is clearly trying to get rid of the guard role which will mean drivers are responsible for controlling doors, getting passengers on and off the train, watching tiny multiple ill-conceived CCTV screens whilst driving the train at the same time their every move, breath, scratch etc. is being spied on and recorded for disciplinary action. Drivers are expected to be and do what management isn’t capable of nor would accept. That is, working in isolation, doing multiple important safety tasks and at the same time being recorded 24/7. Expecting professional, skilled and dedicated train drivers to not only drive their train, a multi-faceted critical safety task, but now assist customers and take on additional responsibilities currently performed by the Guard, including critical safety duties.
From August 3 until August 13 RTBU Officials and Delegates will be travelling to Depots and Stations to talk to members about the New InterCity Fleet.
The Locomotive Division, on behalf of and as a direct result of, member/delegate feedback has been vocal in raising significant and numerous concerns, which to date management has ignored. This is the first time in over 100 years your elected representatives have been actively excluded from the introduction of new rolling stock.
Local Depot Delegates, your RTBU NIF Project Delegates, and a number RTBU officials will be at Depots hosting a series of meetings. Due to NSW Trains providing rooms with limited capacity, as a result of COVID 19, in order to maximise membership participation, we will be limiting our numbers to your senior Locomotive Division NIF Project delegates, including Locomotive Division Passenger Vice President Dan Leece and InterCity Divisional Councillor Paul Dornan. The Locomotive Divisions Legal Officer will be attending a number of these depot meeting sessions, subject to NIF legal workload.
In other news, the QUBE EA was endorsed on the Company’s third attempt by a slim majority of members/employees. The close result should be a wakeup call to Management that employees are not happy with the Company’s decision to take full back pay off the table, which had previously been agreed, and instead put their Agreement out for a vote of employees/members for a third time following their 2 previous versions of the EA’s being rejected by members.
Irrespective of the vote outcome and the understandable frustration from members the Agreement will be in force until 31st March 2023, which means during the current period of national and global economic uncertainty members have some certainty that they have locked away annual wage increases (totalling 13% over 3 years) and their conditions of employment. We should all use this period to regroup, continue to build solidarity, strength on the job, in the workplace and within your local Locomotive Division sub-division to hold the Company accountable and to enforce your EA.
Now is not the time to splinter and or weaken your union in the workplace and give the Company the opportunity to undermine your solidarity, unity and strength at a time when all three will be needed more than ever over the coming few years.
COVID 19 has irrevocably changed how we operate currently and invariably into the future therefore, our need to adapt to this new operating environment is clear and inevitable.
How we operate and are currently operating, whether that be by choice or decisions made independently of the Divisional Council and Executive, the fact remains that COVID 19 has forced us to look at alternate ways of doing business and a unique opportunity to examine:
- Our structure,
- Where and how we geographically operate,
- Make up/numbers off and physical/ geographical location of staff to best represent and be available to members not just by phone,
- The need for physical offices,
- Use of modern technology, how staff work and what skillsets they require,
- Holistic skills, roles, and responsibilities of staff,
- The makeup and nature of current and future membership.
As a result of being forced to consider the impacts of COVID 19 and how we operate, the Locomotive Division Executive have decided to undertake a full review of the Division with nothing being “off the table” or “out of scope”. It is hoped that the report and recommendations will be ready in time for our September Divisional Council to allow implementation to commence as soon as possible.
As always, we hope you continue to stay safe during this time of crisis and come to the Division with any concerns you may have regarding your employer’s practices at this time.
We hope you enjoy this edition of Loco Express.
Stay safe on the tracks.
In Solidarity,
Bob Hayden
RTBU Locomotive Division Secretary