Loco Express- QUBE Edition
Dear Members,
This edition of Loco express is a break from our usual programming as we take a deeper look at what’s currently unfolding with our members at QUBE.
For those who don’t know, we’ve been bargaining with QUBE for a replacement Enterprise Agreement for over a year. While the bargain wasn’t the smoothest of processes, we had recently reached agreement in-principle with the assistance of the Fair Work Commission.
This in-principle agreement was reached in the context of the Loco Division also advancing a substantial wage theft case through the Federal Court. Disappointingly and despite having full notice of our Federal Court claim before reaching an in-principle agreement, QUBE backflipped on their agreement in principle in a blatant attempt to weasel out of the wage theft case.
From there our members took low level action to support their agreement and QUBE responded by locking them out. Throughout this lockout QUBE encouraged workers who were not observing the bans to do whatever it takes to keep trains moving, shirking rules, busting hours – engaging in unsafe work practices to keep their shareholders happy.
As safety issues continued to come to light, we embarked on a process seeking the Fair Work Commission’s intervention. On Tuesday night we were advised that we were unsuccessful in our application however the Commission made one thing clear – QUBE had lied. They were not caught unaware by our underpayment case. They knew exactly what they agreed to, and they reneged on that agreement specifically to hold members wages and conditions to ransom. Make no mistake, it was a bastard act from a bastard employer. Read Commissioner Crawford’s scathing comments about QUBE’s actions here.
To make matters worse, despite the fact there is no protected industrial action on foot by RTBU members, the lockout was extended again. This took the total number of days locked out to 13. This was the longest lockout our industry has seen since the 17 days the AFULE had on the grass in the 80’s.
At this point, it’s safe to say that QUBE were purely trying to financially break members, trying to burden and grind down working families all while defending wage theft and plying their directors with million dollar pay days.
In recent developments, QUBE members returned to work from 0600 this morning and bargaining meetings have also recommenced. Parties have met today on their own and will meet again tomorrow with the assistance of the commission.
As we continue to work through this dispute, the Locomotive Division has established an account to help support Members who were locked out. We are asking members to dig deep and support the brave men and women at QUBE who are fighting to make our industry better.
The Locomotive Division will match member donations, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000. The details on how to contribute can be found below.
Despite members returning to work this morning, there is still much work to be done, both in finalising this agreement and in fighting QUBE’s systemic wage theft practices.
The RTBU Locomotive Division has a proud history of pulling together when needed, and QUBE’s low acts fit that bill. From the AFULE days, right through to our current Loco Division, members dig in when times get tough. Please support your comrades at QUBE, every little bit helps.
Together, we can get this done.
In Solidarity,
Farren Campbell
RTBU Locomotive Division Secretary

QUBE Members locked out- support fund
Locomotive Division QUBE Members in NSW were locked out by the Company between 20/7 and 3/8 for simply demanding that QUBE honour the Agreement reached and placed on record in the FWC.
Members were without pay for 13 days, to rub salt in the wounds QUBE gave each employee who worked and turned their backs on their work mates a $1000 gift voucher each as blood money.
This is an unprecedented attack on good, honest, and union proud workers by QUBE. A company who has form in attacking workers whilst wallowing in profits like pigs in a trough.
The Locomotive Division has set up a QUBE Members Support Fund for all members and supporters to donate to provide some financial support to Proud and Staunch Union Members. Any funds not used for this purpose will be used to fund legal proceedings to challenge the validity of the ‘lock-outs’.
The NSW Locomotive Division will match member donations.
Donations can be made to the following account, which is held in the name of the RTBU and as such is fully audited and governed by the same Union and Financial Governance as all funds.
BSB NUMBER: 611-100
Account Number: 100309302
QUBE Members lockout rally- Newcastle 2023

We’ll continue to inform members through regular posts on Loco Express and on our Facebook page- join us online here.