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Loco a hit at ‘Fight for the Right to Strike’

Apr 17, 2018News

Last Saturday saw the “Fight for the Right to Strike” public meeting held at the Maritime Union of Australia’s Sydney Office. The event was standing room only as well over 100 attendees witnessed addresses from speakers including Rita Mallia (State President, CFMEU Construction Division), Chris White (former Research Officer LHMU) and the Locomotive Division’s very own Giovanna Bonelli.

Giovanna’s address was particularly poignant given Sydney Trains workers recently had their right to strike abolished by the Fair Work Commission. This decision was a crippling blow to workers everywhere but proved especially cutting to the Locomotive Division who had become the face of one of the saddest days in this country’s proud trade Union history.

Following speeches, attendees took part in an engaging Q and A and the meeting culminated with the unanimous passing of a resolution demanding that an unrestricted right to strike be central to the ACTU’s Change the Rules campaign.

The Locomotive Division wishes to congratulate Members taking the opportunity to make their voices heard in the fight for workers’ rights.

