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Pacific National losses 136 years service

Pacific National losses 136 years service

Jun 12, 2014

Pacific National’s call for voluntary redundancies has resulted in four drivers from Sydney Freight Terminal PN deciding to leave the company, taking with them over 136 years worth of experience. Read More »

The IR debate – has it been hijacked?

The IR debate – has it been hijacked?

Jun 12, 2014

Do we need IR reform to improve productivity and competitiveness? Do our “militant” unions have too much power? Is there really a wages boom or are we just falling for the spin of our conservative […] Read More »

Inland Rail – Tell us what you really think!

Jun 5, 2014

The Federal Government has established an Inland Rail Implementation Group to prepare 10-year plan for the construction of a new Inland Rail route between Melbourne and Brisbane. The Group is being chaired by former Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson, and is scheduled to provide advice back to the Federal Government by the end of 2014.

What do you think the Federal Government needs to do to make Inland Rail a success Read More »

Focus on staff safety

Focus on staff safety

Jun 5, 2014

Following a spate of recent incidents where NSW transport workers have been bashed, threatened and abused, the union has launched a campaign calling on the NSW Government to guarantee the safety of the workforce. Read More »

Public transport security reaching crisis point

Public transport security reaching crisis point

Jun 2, 2014

The NSW Rail, Tram and Bus Union is calling on the NSW Government to address failing security measures across the NSW transport network following recent attacks on transport workers including a group of thugs giving […] Read More »

Public holiday rostering

Public holiday rostering

May 30, 2014

Once again, Sydney Trains has attempted to bypass the agreed provisions of the Driver Rostering & Working Arrangements by rostering every driver and guard at the Campbelltown depot off duty on the June long weekend […] Read More »

Watch your speed – train speed monitoring

Watch your speed – train speed monitoring

May 30, 2014

Sydney Trains has advised the Loco Division that it will be utilising track side monitoring equipment to monitor train speeds at 16 locations across the network between Newcastle, Lithgow, Wollongong and Macarthur. Read More »

French trains aren’t slim

French trains aren’t slim

May 30, 2014

If it weren’t such an expensive and large-scale mistake, it would be funny. Read More »

RTBU forces PN rethink on redundancies

RTBU forces PN rethink on redundancies

May 27, 2014

The RTBU’s strong action has resulted in Pacific National agreeing to slow down its current redundancy program, with a view to avoiding or at least minimising any compulsory redundancies. Read More »

Rail Entities – further negotiation

Rail Entities – further negotiation

May 22, 2014

The Combined Rail Union representatives met with Rail Entities management recently in an attempt to reduce the number of matters currently in dispute. Read More »

