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Sydney and NSW trains try to cheat members on public holiday accrual

Sydney and NSW trains try to cheat members on public holiday accrual

Jun 23, 2015

Unions are currently locked in a battle with Sydney and NSW Trains over public holiday accrual. Read More »

What’s the go in NZ?

What’s the go in NZ?

Jun 22, 2015

The latest edition of RMTU Activist – the newsletter of the New Zealand Rail and Maritime Transport Union – is now available online. Check out all the latest here. Read More »

Bob Hayden, Divisional Secretary

Secretary’s wrap

Jun 12, 2015

It’s been all systems go here at the Loco Division lately, with work continuing on ensuring workers at Pacific National are protected following the company’s recent announcement that it is cutting 44 jobs from Bulk and Coal. Read More »

Garry McDean Golf Day

Jun 12, 2015

The recent annual Garry McDean Golf Day was again a roaring success. Around 30 people turned out for the memorial event, held on June 7th at the Taree Golf Course. Read More »

Fee increase

Jun 5, 2015

Over the last few years your union has been able to achieve an average wage increases of 3 per cent for the majority of members. This has been a good outcome in a very difficult environment and we will always work hard on your behalf to achieve better pay and better conditions. Read More »

In-principle agreement reached on Aurizon EA

Jun 5, 2015

An in-principle agreement on the new enterprise agreement has now been reached with Aurizon. This follows the disappointment of the Fair Work Commission’s ruling which saw the 12 enterprise agreements scrapped and replaced with one – taking with them hard fought for working conditions. Read More »

Transport NOW

Jun 3, 2015

The latest edition of Transport NOW – the RTBU National monthly bulletin – is now available online. For a round up of the RTBU’s call at ACTU Congress, the ARTC sale and the key features of the Federal Budget, click here: Read More »

NZ Rail and Maritime Transport Union takes KiwiRail to court over working conditions

NZ Rail and Maritime Transport Union takes KiwiRail to court over working conditions

Jun 3, 2015

After a Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment investigation found that Chinese engineers working on KiwiRail’s imported locomotives at the Hutt Workshops were probably not covered under New Zealand employment law, the New Zealand Rail […] Read More »

Workers watch out: many hidden dangers in free trade deal with China

Workers watch out: many hidden dangers in free trade deal with China

Jun 1, 2015

While not directly involving our industry at the moment, the free trade agreement with China could be bad news for many Australian workers and members may find the following interesting reading. Read More »

BREAKING NEWS: Job loss at Pacific National

BREAKING NEWS: Job loss at Pacific National

May 29, 2015

Pacific National has just announced that it is about to cut 44 jobs from across the Bulk and Coal areas of the business.  Read More »

