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PN responds to our four priority clauses

Jul 5, 2017

Your EA delegates met with Pacific National officials again last week and discussed our four priority clauses: consultation and change, dispute resolution, contract of employment (casuals and labour hire) and redundancy. Read the NewsFlash here. Read More »

Casual staff win right to ask for permanent work but employers can refuse the request

Jul 5, 2017

Casual workers have won the right to demand a permanent full-time or part-time job after 12 months under a new Fair Work Commission ruling. But employers will still have the right to refuse the request if […] Read More »

RTBU lodges formal dispute against Aurizon Coal over rosters

Jun 30, 2017

After several complaints regarding rostering practices by Aurizon Coal when sending crew to barracks on behalf of members, the RTBU has lodged a formal dispute with the Fair Work Commission. Download the News Flash here. Read More »

Take back the power and change the rules

Jun 30, 2017

***From Australian Unions*** Tania works at Spotlight in Wollongong. She is the grandmother of eight, and has been on the minimum award wage for most of her working life. She rations petrol and misses the […] Read More »

NSW Rail Entities 2017: Enterprise Bargaining

Jun 30, 2017

Sydney Trains and NSW Trains may soon send out Representation Notices to employees of the two Rail Entities. These Notices may be posted on Notice Boards and may be forwarded to people’s home addresses. The […] Read More »

The Easter Bunny delivers on trainee holiday entitlements

Jun 28, 2017

The LocoDivision was notified by a group of trainee drivers that they were not paid their public holiday entitlement as per Clause 29 of the Sydney Trains 2014 Enterprise Agreement for the Easter period. We […] Read More »

Train drivers stick with bus drivers against privatisation

Jun 28, 2017

Have you spotted this sticker around the traps yet?         It’s a small way we train drivers can show our support to the Tram and Bus Division of our union and their […] Read More »

Learning from our near-death experience with Aurizon

Jun 28, 2017

***Below is the speech given by RTBU National Organiser Leanne Holmes on behalf of RTBU National Secretary Bob Nanva at one of the delegates’ workshops this week.*** Good afternoon everyone. When the rail freight giant […] Read More »

Congratulations – RailTrain forced back to the bargaining table!

Jun 28, 2017

The RTBU congratulates all its members and Railtrain employees for securing a NO vote. You have stood together as a united workforce to let Railtrain know that you deserve better pay and conditions. A NO […] Read More »

Delegate training in Newcastle

Jun 28, 2017

Last week a number of our northern delegates from a cross section of the RTBU participated in our delegate training course in Newcastle. The course included basic training in how to be a delegate, and […] Read More »

