Latest from the National Locomotive Division
The National Locomotive Division met in Melbourne recently to discuss matters impacting on Loco Divisions around the country.
The following major resolutions were passed:
“Envirowalk” style relief point walkways
Resolution: This National Locomotive Committee moves to make “Envirowalk” style relief point walkways a national standard, and that Divisions should push to have these walkways installed at locations where train reliefs take place on a regular basis.
The new walkways provide a safer working environment for train crew at designated crew change and stowage locations. They are made of fiberglass reinforced plastic grating which is durable, weather resistant, safety yellow, UV protected, light weight, non-conductive and nonslip. Following a successful trial, the units, which are 1.2metres wide and 3.6 metres long are now being rolled out across the Central Queensland Coal Network.
NSW Divisional Council decisions
Resolution: This National Locomotive Divisional Committee supports the recent decisions of the NSW Divisional Council regarding the following;
– The National Office seek a ruling, regarding the ability of Cat1 and Cat 2 Railway Safety Workers to claim any cost incurred regarding the application of the new National Health Standards as a work related tax deduction.
– The ability of workers over the retirement age of 65 being able to access full workers compensation entitlements.
The following two resolutions were subsequently endorsed by the National Executive.
A united union
Resolution: This National Locomotive Division supports the continued efforts by the QLD Branch to unite all Train Crew under the one amalgamated union, the RTBU. Although the continued efforts of the QLD Branch have, to date, not resulted in an amalgamation with the AFULE, this meeting commits assist the QLD Branch in whatever campaign is deemed necessary to achieve the desired outcome – one union representing all train crew in Queensland.
Heritage train qualifications
Resolution: This National Locomotive Divisional Committee notes the proposed qualifications for Heritage Locomotive Assistant/Steam Fireman, and is awaiting the outcome from the review of all train driving qualifications, including Heritage Rail Driving qualifications, with keen interest.
The next meeting of the National Locomotive Divisional Committee will take place in Sydney on the 16th and 17th April 2013.