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John Holland intrastate discussions

The Loco Division has been in talks with John Holland recently about the company’s Intrastate Operations.

The company recently approached the RTBU about expanding the scope of their existing Infrastructure Works Train Agreement to incorporate general Intrastate Operations.

The NSW Locomotive Division and the National Office have had a number of meetings to identify the scope of what the company is proposing and to consider the option of a totally new Intrastate Operations Agreement. The discussions have also centred around what clause changes would need to be made to the existing agreement in order to extend the scope to Intrastate Operations. All of this of course is subject to reaching agreement on specific working conditions.

It’s a refreshing change to see a major company seeking to engage with the union in an effort to expand their operation and bring some much needed responsible competition into the Intrastate market, rather than just slashing and burning the workforce and/or seek to drive down Industry Standards purely for their own commercial gain.

