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Here in “pollie land” someone else should pay

Jan 18, 2017News
Spotted in the Wagga Daily Advertiser: local man Paul Kerr has summed up the whole politician entitlements debacle in an ‘ode to our pollies’.
 “I am a federal minister, I’m on the public purse
If I ever have to spend my own, it’s quickly reimbursed”
In case you’ve managed to avoid the news, Health Minister Sussan Ley resigned on Friday after a scandal over travel expenses, after it came to light that she bought a luxury apartment on the gold coast while on a taxpayer funded trip.
Amid this and other reports of politician entitlements getting out of hand – including a $2000 “prayer breakfast”  enjoyed by Coalition MP Kevin Andrews – PM Turnbull’s popularity took a hit. He has now announced an independent body to oversee politician expenses claims.
Here’s Paul’s full piece:

