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Enterprise Agreement at a Stalemate 

May 24, 2023Employer News QUBE

 Yesterday, your EA Delegates Team met with QUBE Management in an attempt to finalise the Enterprise Agreement, but unfortunately, no agreement was reached. 

QUBE Management has informed us that they will be sending out their proposed Enterprise Agreement without the endorsement of your Delegates Team. Several clauses, as well as QUBE’s proposed wage offer, remain not agreed and unresolved. 

QUBE Management have finally discussed their wage offer which consists of: 

  • 6% for year 1, 
  • 4% for year 2 
  • 4% for year 3 

QUBE Management also stated that the Overtime rate will remain at 1.6 and proposed a threat that backpay is only the table if this agreement is voted up. 

Other outstanding clauses include: 

  • QUBE’s proposed 4.3 clause, and 
  • Posting of the Working Roster. 

The schedule for the vote is as follows: the Enterprise Agreement will be sent to employees on May 30, 2023, with a 7-day access period. Following that, the voting process will take place electronically. The vote will open at 0600hrs on June 7, 2023, and will close at 1800hrs on June 8, 2023. The voting period remains the same as before, allowing for a 36-hour window to cast your vote. 

To ensure that all members are well-informed about the changes, including QUBE’s proposed new 4.3 clause, the Locomotive Division will be embarking on a tour. Our aim is to engage with members directly, answer any questions they may have, and provide comprehensive information about the proposed Enterprise Agreement 

We would like to see as many members as possible so please come along to a meeting and have your say. Keep an eye out for the tour dates and times coming to your email box very soon. 

Should members have any issues or enquiries, please contact Marc Chapman on 0419828373, or Kevin Pryor on 0417105356. 

Download the Newsflash here.

