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Digital train radio system – (DTRS)

Apr 28, 2016News

After nearly 8 years since the initial concept, Sydney Trains has been given interim approval by the Rail Regulator to run one Digital Train Radio enabled Tangara in Sector 1 (Illawarra), with support crews rostered to travel on the nominated run to assist drivers.

Exhaustive testing has been conducted on Sector 1 involving RTBU Locomotive representatives. Further testing is now being planned for Sector 2 and 3.

The RTBU Loco Division has sent correspondence to Sydney Trains requesting an update on outstanding concerns and faults yet to be rectified. The RTBU has been assured that these faults do not impact the safety and running of the single DTRS train in the network.

No confirmation has been received from Sydney Trains regarding recommendation 38 arising from the Waterfall enquiry involving Train to Train communication (Passenger & Freight). Stay tuned.

