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Central crew amenities to get a make-over

Jun 16, 2014News

Sydney Trains has commenced a much needed refurbishment program of crew facilities at Central.

This program, instigated by the new General Manager, follows engagement and feedback from members and is a positive step in providing crew with updated facilities for their day-to-day use.

The works to be undertaken include painting the walls; replacing the vinyl flooring with tiles; new cabinetry work at some locations; and putting new chairs in the driver and guard rooms on platforms 16 to 25 and in the crew overflow room at the top of the ESR (concourse level).

The works will progress in stages over the course of June and July 2014 and too minimise disruptions to crew, alternate facilities at the station will continue to be made available for crew to utilise.

TCAC have been advised to assist and facilitate crew reliefs accordingly. Members will be advised of the schedule of works via an Information Bulletin.

