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PN Newsflash: Signing off and on at barracks

Jul 26, 2016

To: PN intermodal members Re: Signing off and on at barracks (rest location). Members would be aware that the PN Intermodal EA provides for sign off and on to occur at the Barracks / Resting […] Read More »

Rail workers in the U.S. fight for two-person train crews

Jul 26, 2016

Rail workers in the U.S. are supporting a proposed Federal Railroad Administration rule which would  make two-person train crews the standard for train operations. Representatives of the U.S Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen and […] Read More »

Rail transport operators must ensure rail safety worker competence: ONRSR

Jul 26, 2016

Rail transport operators must ensure that each rail safety worker has the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out work safely, according to a new fact sheet on rail safety worker competence  issued by the Office of […] Read More »

Footplate: Depot Rebalancing Program

Jul 26, 2016

Members are advised that the RTBU met with Sydney Trains yesterday to continue discussions around the depot rebalancing program and the associated transfer issues therein. Read more: Footplate 17.16 – Depot Rebalancing Program Read More »

Aurizon stoops to new low

Jul 22, 2016

After advertising for train crew at Newcastle last September, a number of Quirindi-based Aurizon employees were told they had been successful and had been given one of the advertised jobs. The manager even phoned to congratulate them […] Read More »

Management should look at themselves before blaming drivers

Management should look at themselves before blaming drivers

Jul 21, 2016

In addition to a media release yesterday, the RTBU Locomotive Division would like to address in more detail the content of the article published in the Daily Telegraph titled ‘Idle Drivers’ Pay is Runaway Train’, […] Read More »

Liberals should come clean with plans to sack drivers and privatise Sydney Trains

Jul 21, 2016

No surprises that the Daily Telegraph is going after transport workers as the NSW Government starts their push to buy the driver-only NIF trains. Below you can read the media release we sent out to […] Read More »

NSW Trains commences new InterUrban Fleet (NIF) discussions

Jul 21, 2016

To: All RTBU NSW TrainLink Train Crew Members Members are advised that a meeting occurred today between senior NSW Trains and Transport for NSW representatives and combined driver and guard delegates from the RTBU, to […] Read More »

Submit a hazard report if you’re having screen issues

Jul 19, 2016

Drivers will recently have been increasingly seeing AMS DMI screens (left hand DDU) on OSCAR “H” sets, which are being progressively rolled out. These are giving drivers a different view from the current TOS generated speedo […] Read More »

What PN didn’t tell you…

Jul 19, 2016

  The latest Pacific National EA Bulletin is now out! Download your copy to read about where the EA bargaining is really up to, and what PN didn’t tell you in their latest correspondence. Download PN Enterprise Agreement Bulletin […] Read More »


