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Building trains in South Korea ‘short-sighted’, says Australia Institute

Sep 2, 2016

Think tank The Australia Institute has slammed the NSW Government’s decision to award the $2.3 billion contract to build the inter-city train fleet to a consortium which will construct the five hundred new carriages in […] Read More »

UK front-line workers take the hit as directors’ pay soars

Aug 31, 2016

Front-line workers at UK freight giant Freightliner Heavy Haul will take part in a strike ballot in a dispute over pay this week. RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said: “It is clear from the company […] Read More »

Fewer seats on intercity trains could leave hundreds standing

Aug 31, 2016

The State Government has prioritised drink holders over seats in the new intercity train fleet, and reports in the Daily Telegraph suggest that it could leave hundreds of commuters standing. We’re not sure the seat numbers will stack up […] Read More »

Latest update on the Sydney Trains reform

Aug 30, 2016

Recent discussions with Sydney Trains have taken place but we’re yet to receive anything of substance from Sydney Trains. Find out more by downloading the latest Sydney Trains Reform Newsflash. Read More »

Sydney and NSW Trains propose changes to TWP 102

Aug 30, 2016

The RTBU Locomotive Division has been invited to commence initial discussions with both Sydney Trains and NSW Trains regarding proposed changes to TWP 102 – Authorised Persons Travelling in Crew Compartments. The proposed changes would see […] Read More »

Let’s have a CUB free Grand Final weekend

Aug 28, 2016

This Grand Final weekend join with thousands of Australians by holding a BBQ without any drinks made by Carlton & United Breweries (CUB). Over 11 weeks ago the 55 maintenance workers that keep the CUB plant […] Read More »

Fair Work Sets Date for PN EA’s Scope Coverage Hearing

Aug 28, 2016

Last Friday in a directions meeting with the Fair Work Commission, Pacific National and the RTBU failed to reach consensus on the two Scope Order applications that were before the commission. Pacific National had been […] Read More »

Secretary’s wrap

Aug 28, 2016

Talks between the RTBU and NSW Trains about the New Inter-urban Fleet (NIF) have begun – and it’s clear that the NSW Government prefers to introduce driver-only operation (DOO). Obviously, we believe the removal of […] Read More »

NIF to be built by infamous Hyundai Rotem

Aug 28, 2016

The recent news that the NSW Government has awarded the contract to build the new interurban fleet to a consortium which would build the trains in South Korea was a blow to Australian jobs.   But it gets […] Read More »

Big changes on the horizon at Aurizon

Aug 25, 2016

Aurizon is looking to replace current chief executive Lance Hockridge, sell the Moorebank freight hub and is considering selling their intermodal and freight businesses. An article in the Australian Financial Review this weeks speculates that former Rio Tinto iron ore […] Read More »


