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Train Driver’s National Health Survey: last chance to participate!

Oct 19, 2016

The RTBULD have given support for a National Train Driver’s Health Survey. This is in response to the ever increasing health issues being experienced by Enginepersons/Drivers within our Rail environment. CQUniversity and Flinders University are […] Read More »

Decentralisation of Central depot

Oct 19, 2016

Members are advised that the RTBU Locomotive Division met this week with the Sydney Trains Future Operations team to discuss the progress of the Depot Rebalancing Program (Decentralisation of Central). Read the Footplate here. Read More »

Keep Our Hospitals Public

Oct 17, 2016

The NSW Liberal Government has announced a proposal for five of our publically owned hospitals to be redeveloped in a partnership with the private sector. This will result in our hospitals being built and  operated […] Read More »

Election for National and NSW vacant positions

Oct 17, 2016

Special notice to RTBU members: Election for National branch and NSW branch vacant positions The attached information has been received from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) regarding the election for NSW branch vacant positions. Nominations […] Read More »

Secretary’s wrap

There’s no denying that big rail and transport investments like the new intercity fleet are sorely needed in NSW. But the more we hear about the Government’s plans for the NIF the less we like […] Read More »

It’s true: NIF trains won’t fit the Blue Mountains line

Oct 7, 2016

Recently Labor’s Trish Doyle MP called out the NSW Government for investing “$2.3 billion dollars worth of taxpayers money for trains that won’t fit our tracks”. Now it’s been confirmed that the NSW government will need to […] Read More »

ACCC responds to Aurizon and PN proposals to acquire GRail

Oct 7, 2016

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is assessing Aurizon and Pacific National’s competing proposals to acquire Glencore Coal’s rail business, Grail. The ACCC has released a combined Statement of Issues and is assessing their proposals against […] Read More »

Newsflash: Hunter Valley and Gunnedah Basin Coal News

Oct 7, 2016

After years of next to no progress on the long term issues of tunnels, crib breaks and relief points, the RTBU recently wrote to all the major players including Pacific National, Aurizon, Freightliner, ARTC, Hunter Valley […] Read More »

Loco division stands in solidarity with our colleagues in Norway

Oct 7, 2016

Our colleagues in the Norwegian National Union of Locomotivemen (NLF) are currently participating in a national legal strike over the refusal to establish a common national standard for locomotive drivers’ training. The NLF says that over the […] Read More »

Buy a ticket to support your Picnic Day

Oct 6, 2016

Attention Sydney and NSW Trains Members: Your Picnic Day is fast approaching! Please support your picnic committee and help to keep this entitlement by buying a ticket: application forms are already available in some areas. Your Picnic […] Read More »


