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Fear of complaints keeps TFNSW silent

Nov 28, 2016

Transport for NSW has refused to release draft timelines for the new North West Metro rail line, worried it might cause complaints. An ABC journalist submitted an information access request for the documents in order to find […] Read More »

Blacktown drivers place workers’ memorial

Nov 25, 2016

What if you went to work one day and never came home? Sadly, that is the reality for more than 45 Australians who have been killed in workplace accidents this year alone. Blacktown drivers have […] Read More »

Liverpool crew say NO to violence against women

Nov 25, 2016

It was a fantastic turn out at Liverpool Station for White Ribbon Day, an initiative to raise public awareness around violence against women. RTBU Secretary Alex Claassens, RTBU Organiser Helen Bellette, members of the local […] Read More »

Lack of public transport major barrier for young jobseekers: report

Nov 21, 2016

Public ‍trans‍‍port limitations are a major barrier preventing young people from getting and keeping a job, according to a new report by the Brotherhood of St Laurence. The Sydney Morning Herald article covering the new report emphasises that part […] Read More »

New shoes while you get the boot!

Nov 21, 2016

Amidst all the angst and hurt Pacific National are dishing out to employees through redundancy announcements, we recently found out PN’s HR team have been busy boasting to the corporate world of its “hot innovation […] Read More »

NSW Trains uniform: shorts update

Nov 18, 2016

NSW Trains has finally agreed to provide shorts as part of the standard uniform but not until February 2017. In the meantime, the company will source 200 pairs which will be distributed on a first come first […] Read More »

Secretary’s wrap

We’ve finally got something to report on the Sydney Trains Reform (otherwise known as the “Future Operations Program”). At a combined delegates’ forum last week management proposed to increase rostered shift limits to 8 hours […] Read More »

Petition: Enlist The Interislander In NZ Earthquake Recovery

Nov 17, 2016

Let’s all get behind our RMTU comrades in NZ and sign this petition. After the devastating earthquake on Monday morning, NZ’s most important transport link has been critically damaged. They’re calling for Kiwirail to get an […] Read More »

Sydney Trains reform update: delegate forum held

Nov 15, 2016

A combined delegates’ forum was held this week to receive a presentation from Sydney Trains on the current state of the Future Operations Program (Train Crew Reforms). Read the latest Newsflash here. Read More »

Safety should be priority for new Metro West railway

Nov 15, 2016

While investment in public transport is sorely needed and welcome, we’re concerned that plans to run driverless trains on the NSW Government’s new underground metro railway for Western Sydney will compromise public safety. The Government needs be […] Read More »


