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Andy’s strong showing at Arnold Classic

Apr 21, 2017

Central Driver Andrew Hargreaves recently travelled to Melbourne to compete in the Pro Raw Powerlifting competition at this year’s Arnold Classic. The event consists of three attempts at three lifts: the squat, the bench press, […] Read More »

PN NSW VIC: A lot of talk and no change

Apr 21, 2017

Prior to Easter, your EA team again met with PN management in good faith to further progress your EA. Once again PN had a lot to say about their concept document and how they need […] Read More »

Londonderry MP Prue Car calls on state government to release 2018 western line train timetables

Apr 21, 2017

Londonderry MP Prue Car has accused the state government of a “secret plan” to push commuters onto toll roads, following reports it’s set to slash express train services in western Sydney. Read more. Read More »

Western Sydney’s peak-hour train services to be slashed

Apr 19, 2017

The NSW Government plans to cut direct peak hour train services from Penrith while bringing new express trains to the Northern line, according to documents obtained by the ABC. A reduction of ‘West to North’ capacity […] Read More »

It’s time to #RaiseTheWage

Apr 19, 2017

Since 1990 minimum wage workers have been left behind. Australia is starting to look like America. A recent poll shows that nearly 70 per cent of Australians believe the minimum wage is too low. It’s time for substantial […] Read More »

Sydney May Day March and Family Fun Day 2017

Apr 19, 2017

This year’s May Day March is just around the corner and we’re planning a big RTBU presence! We hope you’ll join us in standing up for workers’ rights while having fun at the same time. […] Read More »

Sydney man to face court for train assault

Apr 18, 2017

A man who punched two Sydney Trains employees in a violent early morning attack will face court on a number of assault charges. Read more. Read More »

NSW Govt spends $45,000 on workout session for Sydney commuters

Apr 18, 2017

TV fitness gurus Steve “Commando” Willis and Michelle Bridges were paid a big fat $12,000 from taxpayer funds to run a 60-minute outdoor workout session designed by the state government to try to persuade Sydney […] Read More »

Sydney Trains missing strength ratings for 200 rail bridges

Apr 17, 2017

The system Sydney Trains uses to monitor the strength of the state’s rail bridges was missing information for more than 200 structures, according to news reports in the Sydney Morning Herald.  Here at the Loco […] Read More »

Railtrain Enterprise Agreement negotiations

Apr 13, 2017

Railtrain management yesterday advised its employees that it intends to put an enterprise agreement out to a vote in May to replace the current Railtrain 2013 agreement, even though it does not expire until September […] Read More »


