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Transport NOW – Federal Budget Wrap

May 12, 2017

This year’s Federal Budget has received a mixed reaction – with some positive announcements in infrastructure and social policy, combined with a smattering of cruel and heartless measures designed specifically to punish poor and vulnerable […] Read More »

PN survey results now in!

May 11, 2017

Thank you to all members who participated in our recent survey! We had a fantastic response and the results have given us a clear picture that we can now take to Pacific National. See the results and […] Read More »

Opal card fares to rise on July 3, Transport Minister Andrew Constance announces

May 11, 2017

Public transport users in NSW face a 2.4 per cent increase in Opal fares from July, which the state government stresses is in line with inflation and needed to offset a decline in revenue. The […] Read More »

Freightliner: union wins three extra safety reps

May 10, 2017

Your union has had a win with the completion of the Freightliner OH&S committee elections, where we successfully argued for three additional representatives, taking the total amount to four. We are now focussing on putting […] Read More »

Great turnout at May Day marches in Sydney and Newcastle!

May 9, 2017

It was great to see a strong RTBU turnout at the May Day marches in both Sydney and Newcastle over the weekend! All up, around 100 RTBU members across all divisions attended and we had a great time […] Read More »

RTBU New InterCity Fleet depot tour

May 9, 2017

The RTBU will be conducting a tour of NSW Trains depots to discuss the Memorandum of Understanding that has recently been finalised with NSW Trains management.Details here. Read More »

Parties broker train truce

May 8, 2017

The industrial dispute which has triggered grain freight chaos in Victoria is far from resolved but warring parties Pacific National (PN) and the Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) have brokered a truce which will […] Read More »

SSR Enterprise Agreement Negotiations 2017

May 8, 2017

As members would be aware, Southern Shorthaul Railway Australia (SSR) issued a Notice of Representational Rights (NERR) in May 2016. The purpose of an NERR is to formally commence the bargaining process for a new […] Read More »

EA vote cancelled, RailTrain forced back to the negotiating table

May 5, 2017

Late yesterday evening Railtrain conceded that the vote on its proposed Enterprise Agreement, which was scheduled for this weekend, will not go ahead due to a “minor discrepancy”. Read the News Flash here. Read More »

University students and northern Sydney commuters not happy

May 5, 2017

The closure of the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link in 2018 has local students and commuters concerned about delays and overcrowding. Joseph Nicita, a third-year student at Macquarie University, takes the train from Beecroft to […] Read More »


