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RailTrain unilaterally changes the scope of the EA

May 29, 2017

RailTrain is still maintaining its position to separate the Enterprise Agreement into two – a position the RTBU vehemently opposes. Read the Newsflash here. Read More »

The Liberals’ true hidden agenda

May 26, 2017

An article in the AFR today reveals the true agenda behind the NSW Government’s bus privatisation plans: the full privatisation of all public transport in Australia. The article covers a new report from Infrastructure Australia […] Read More »

NSW Transport Minister Constance humiliated in Supreme Court

May 25, 2017

— MEDIA RELEASE — NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance MP was today humiliated in the Supreme Court when his attempt to sue his way to bus privatisation failed. Once the Government realised its application was […] Read More »

No detail in Federal Government’s rail funding pledge

May 25, 2017

Is the Federal Government’s $10 billion “rail-building plan” just smoke and mirrors designed to make it look like they are “nation building” when in reality they aren’t? According to recent news reports the nation’s top infrastructure chief […] Read More »

RailTrain Newsflash: VOTE NO!

May 25, 2017

RailTrain is trying to ram through an Agreement without having to deal with your priority issues. Don’t let RailTrain bully you into accepting a bad deal. Read more. Read More »

‘Jammed in like sardines’ on Blue Mountains trains

May 24, 2017

The Blue Mountains Gazette has also picked up the story that Blue Mountains trains are so overcrowded they may deter visitors (see our previous post on Loco Express here). Today’s edition has a double-page spread on […] Read More »

Accessibility upgrades welcome but more permanent station staff needed

May 23, 2017

A Transport for NSW spokesperson told the St Mary Star that work is underway for a planned accessibility update at Rooty Hill station in response to commuter comments that while there have been some accessibility improvements public […] Read More »

An Open Letter to Sydney Commuters from Sydney Bus Drivers

May 22, 2017

***The Loco Division is standing by our colleagues in the Bus Division every step of the way. Read our previous message of support here.***   Dear Sydney Commuters, We are deeply apologetic for causing you […] Read More »

Tourism operators fear overcrowded trains will deter visitors to the Blue Mountains

May 22, 2017

Whilst the current NSW Government would have commuters believe a world class railway is being delivered across the state, the RTBU and Locomotive Division members are well aware that on any given weekend, what is purported […] Read More »

Sydney Trains Member Representation Dispute

May 22, 2017

Sydney Trains Members should be aware of a current Step 2 Dispute with Sydney Trains regarding Member Representation. The Locomotive Division has been informed that some areas of Sydney Trains management are yet again advising […] Read More »


