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Aurizon, Freightliner and PN: key issues update

Oct 21, 2016News

The Loco Division has been standing up for our members working for Aurizon, Freightliner and Pacific National. Here’s the latest:


In Cab Cameras

We’re continuing to question Aurizon’s intention to install in cab camera and voice recordings. Currently RTBU representatives and workplace delegates are attending regular meetings. This is an ongoing concern for all train crew.


We’ve also been lobbying Aurizon to ensure our members are fully represented in OH&S and have been successful in increasing our OH&S representatives so we can adequately represent our members on safety issues. We’re currently encouraging the training of these representatives through a reputable company.


Sale of Glencore’s assets

We’re pleased that GWA have been successful in acquiring the assets of Glencore’s (GRail) Rail Infrastructure. With GWA being the owner of Freightliner our members will continue to haul the trains and their employment will be continued. A sale to another operator would have seen RTBU members being forced to fight for their jobs.


Freightliner is currently undergoing a review of the current rostering arrangements and we’re continuing to insist that this occur in consultation with the depot rostering committee.


Enterprise Agreement

We’re still challenging Pacific National over their exemption of members who were covered by the previous Enterprise Agreement (EA) from the new EA. This issue is heading into the Fair Work Commission for resolution.

Werris Creek Barracks

For many years the Loco Division has requested that Pacific National review their barracks at Werris Creek, as as far as we’re concerned this facility has long run out of its used-by date. The facility has been housed in a temporary building for over 30 years now and is not up to the standard of what should be provided to members when they are resting away from their home depots. Small band aid fixes won’t suffice and our members are demanding action.


This rostering facility was set up in North Sydney with the aim of rostering PN train crew all over the country and for all divisions. However since experienced employees around the state were not given any incentive to shift their work location to North Sydney, this facility is being manned by inexperienced staff. This is bringing a whole range of issues, from not knowing where crews are located, to not being aware or having worked in the industry before and struggling with the railway terminology. This is creating real issues for rostering and train crew reliefs, who have had trouble getting timely advice about shift rotations.

