Aurizon EA finally certified
The Aurizon Intermodal Rail Operations enterprise agreement has finally been certified.
The new EA will be operative as of 27th November 2013.
The Loco Division would like to congratulate all members on their support and determination throughout the negotiating period. Members united throughout the whole process – a very difficult one which saw members vote to reject the company agreement last year.
The commitment by the membership is the reason an agreement allowing for fair wages and conditions is now on the table.
Particular thanks must also go to the negotiation team delegates, John Harrison, Tony Lazarus, Peter Armstrong, Greg Phillip and Kevin Weedon for the time, hard work and effort they devoted to the agreement.
While we did not achieve everything we wanted to, the agreement as a whole is a significant improvement on the previous one.
If you have any queries or issues arising from the implementation of the new agreement, please contact your local delegate, state office or the national office on (02) 8203 6099.
See the Newsflash attached here for a full copy of the agreement.