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Around the Tracks tour to Moss Vale, Nowra and Goulburn

Jun 21, 2016News

Loco representative, Brian Head, will be out and about as part of an Around the Tracks tour over the coming weeks. Comes along and have a chat with Brian about any issues you may have in your workplace, and hear about the union’s plans for the future.

Brian will also be setting up one-on-one meetings for anyone that may be interested.

MOSS VALE: Moss Vale Hotel, 7 July, 5pm – 7pm

NOWRA: Manildra Depot, 8 July, 11am – 1pm

MOSS VALE: Moss Vale Hotel, 8 July, 4pm – 6pm

GOULBURN: Soldiers Club, 9 July, 6pm – 10pm

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