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Survey shows Sydney Trains PR not working

Oct 16, 2015News

The recent survey of members has shown that no one is buying Sydney Trains’ PR about the reform.

Over 350 members completed the survey – 69 per cent of which were drivers.

83 per cent of those surveyed don’t believe that aggregating allowances will fix the current pay issues and 89 per cent don’t believe they’d be better off with an aggregated system.

Most members also believe they’ll still have to swipe on and off if there is no aggregate payment.

Most members feel they have a good understanding of clause 12 and the ramifications of that, and there is complete disbelief that Sydney Trains would be able to meet its expected increase in capacity with the current staffing levels.

The survey also provided the union with some very valuable feedback on how you’d like to receive communications about the reform process and we’ll be implementing that feedback over the coming weeks.

The recent delegates meeting about the Sydney Trains reform endorsed a union depot tour to discuss the issue, which will be kicking off very shortly and will be used to further discuss the findings of the member survey. Stay tuned for th details of the tour.

Thank you very much to all members who took the time to complete the survey -the information will be very valuable in helping shape our approach to the reform discussions.

