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SPAD reduction – don’t believe everything you read

Mar 6, 2015News

Despite what Sydney Trains has claimed in its bulletins, the Loco Division does not support its new SPAD reduction initiative.

Unfortunately the company’s inability to engage and involve the union in an open and transparent manner has mean the union cannot and does not support the initiative.

The Loco Division is always committed to addressing any and all issues relating SPADs and other safety issues, but we need to ensure all changes are made in an poen and transparent manner for the benefit of all.

Unfortunately the Loco Division can’t support the current initiative because of Sydney Train’s:

– failure to properly identify and address all SPAD casual factors ie infrastructure, rostering practices, workload etc

– move to continually blame drivers for SPADs

– failure to consult over rostering arrangement

– failure to involve the Loco Division in the development of the initiative

– failure to involve the Locomotive Divisions in the full structure of this initiative

– failure to involve the Loco Division in the agenda design

– failure to provide the Loco Division with equal participation

– failure to provide genuine timeframes for driver feedback

