Want to adopt a Senator?
The immediate fate of our workplace rights rest in the hands of the eight cross-bench Senators in Federal Parliament.
Tony Abbott is attempting to introduce changes to the Fair Work Act which would strip away our rights in the workplace.
We’ve seen what happens when government strips away protections from workers. We’ve witnessed the harm caused by open-slather individual contracts that strip away weekend rates, overtime and public holidays. We know all too well that safety is compromised and exploitation runs rampant when people are denied access to union representation at work.
Labor and the Greens Senators have already committed to voting against the attack on workers, meaning that we only need three out of the eight Senators to vote against the changes.
In an attempt to protect workers’ rights, Australian Unions is asking all workers to adopt a Senator.
Simply find the Senator in your state from the list (in NSW it is Senator David Leyonhjelm), get in touch by phone, by mail, by email, and by social media and ask them to vote NO when the Fair Work Amendment Bill comes before the Senate again in the week beginning 22 September.
Click here and adopt a Senator in your state: http://www.australianunions.org.au/adopt_a_senator
History shows us that when we stick together and fight for what we believe in then fairness usually wins out. That’s what our movement is all about.