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Struggling to contact your roster clerk?

Dec 20, 2013News

The Loco Division has lodged a notice of dispute with Sydney Trains after members raised concerns about their ability to contact their roster clerk when needed.

The RTBU has received numerous complaints from members across Sydney Trains that roster clerks cannot be contacted regarding rostering issues, in some instances for hours at a time. Specifically, the dispute raises issue concerning the reporting of absenteeism, exchanging of shifts and the inability to inform rostering of their unwillingness to work on a book-off day.

The RTBU maintains that the inability of members to contact roster clerks does not allow them to fulfill their obligations within the Driver Rostering and Working Arrangements (DRWA) and therefore constitutes a breach of the following clauses:

Clause 3.7.1 (Rostered Days Off);

Clause 7 (Exchange of Shifts);

Clause 9.1 (Reporting Absenteeism); and

Clause 9.2 (Returning to Duty).

The Loco Division will provide an update on this dispute as soon as a meeting occurs.

