Rail Entities train crew update
Briefing meetings have been held between the Combined Rail Unions and Rail Entities in an attempt to gauge what the companies will be seeking from employees when negotiations commence.
Members should note that formal negotiations have not yet begun and that these meetings are purely for the purpose of being briefed on matters expecting to be negotiated on the coming months.
At the briefing meeting on 18 November, a number of broad points were presented which specifically affect Train Crew including:
– Removing ‘home stations’ and replacing them with ‘work locations’ (allowing employees to be assigned a number of work locations, cluster or region).
– 14 days notice to change master roster and 24 hours notice being given to the affected employees unless otherwise agreed.
– Ordinary hours mat be rostered by the employer for no less than 5 hours and no more than the shift lengths as prescribed in the rail safety legislation.
– Aggregate wage to include distance based payments, cab allowances, security allowances, lift up/lay back, additional to schedule kilometre payments, associated/unassociated work payments, barracks and away from home allowances, dirty work allowances, other time and payments may also be included through negotiations,
– Train preps, wash and shed tasks currently undertaken by train crew to be assigned to fleet maintenance who will have responsibility for movements in maintenance sheds and to certify trains for service.
For a full list, see the Footplate attached here.
Members will be kept informed on any detail as it is known.