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Rt health fund attempts to take control back

Nov 12, 2013News

The rt health board is attempting to reduce the number of elected board positions, effectively taking away the power of the fund’s membership.

Rt health is a non-profit health fund for transport workers, under direct control of members through a board elected by and from members of the fund.

A similar attempt to reduce the elected board positions last year was voted down following a strong campaign from the RTBU opposing the changes.

Rt health is looking specifically at reducing the minimum elected board positions from four to three and increasing the maximum appointed positions from four to six. The radical change will be put to the AGM on 20 November.

While the issue does not directly impact the RTBU, many members are in the health fund and the union wants to ensure members make an informed choice and have the ability to continue to control the fund.

If you’re an rt health fund member and want to take action, you can attend the Railway and Transport Health Fund Limited Annual General Meeting at 10am on Wednesday 20 November at Eveleigh House, 1 Buckingham St, Surry Hills, NSW.

You will need to vote, either online or using the form in your AGM mailing pack. This year a third party online vote will also be available for members wanting to vote by proxy. To take part:

1. Visit the online voting site here – https://www.votingonline.com.au/#/login/rthealth

2. Enter your member number which can be found on the back of your member card

3. Enter your voting access code (VAC)

4. Follow the prompts to vote on each resolution

5. Nominate a proxy

Important note: if you are not attending the AGM you will need to nominate a proxy. You will have the choice of nominating the Chairman or someone of your choice. If you wish, you can nominate the RTBU Queensland Secretary Owen Doogan as your proxy.

It is also important to note that for your vote to be considered valid, you will need to lodge your vote online no later than 10am, Tuesday 19 November.


