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QUBE plays hardball over national EA

Apr 29, 2013News

QUBE management are playing hardball with the union, so far refusing requests to negotiate one national agreement that covers all QUBE entities.

Currently, all four entities are under separate agreements, meaning pay and conditions can vary significantly between them.

With all agreements due to expire over the next 12 months, it’s the Loco Division’s belief that now would be an opportune time to make the move to one universal agreement that will allow standards to be lifted across the board.

The agreements covered under QUBE include:

·       The POTA Agreement – expiring 29 March, 2014

·       Independent Railways of Australia, 1 April, 2014

·       South Spur Agreement – expiring 1 April, 2014

·       Southern Silverton Agreement, which has already expired

The union will be investigating all options to in an attempt to bring the company to the negotiating table with the aim of negotiating one agreement for all employees that delivers fair and reasonable wages and conditions.

Members will be kept updated on our progress.

