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CountryLink training dispute update

Dec 10, 2012News

The current dispute between the RTBU Loco Division and Railcorp/CountryLink over competency based training has gone before Fair Work Australia.

The dispute centres around the application of the clause in the Railcorp Enterprise Agreement which reads:

Competency based training and assessment for CountryLink Drivers will be developed and introduced by agreement with the applicable Union.

Loco Division Secretary Bob Hayden said both parties identified a few key areas holding them back from reaching agreement including:

– Comprehensive versus risk-based training needs analysis;

– The method of assessment of competency;

– How training courses are developed and delivered; and

– The relationship of training packages with the Transport Logistics Industry Training Package

“It is the division’s very strong view that members should have nationally transferable competencies, but at the moment it doesn’t seem as though the company agrees,” Bob Hayden said.

“To not train to the National Competencies or issue the certificates puts CountryLink Drivers at a real disadvantage. We’re committed to doing whatever it takes to get the best possible training and assessment processes out in place for CountryLink drivers.

After first appearing before Fair Work Australia on 18/19 October 2012, both parties agreed to undertake a number of tasks and then meet again within 28 days. Then, with the parties unable to reach agreement on the matters identified, the case went to arbitration on 26/27 November.

The Fair Work Australia hearing will resume on Thursday 21 February 2013.


