Long-term members head into retirement

Jul 24, 2012News

Several long time members of the Loco Division have recently retired after many years on the footplate – and events are taking place to help them celebrate.

Lithgow Drivers Len Bingham (48years) and Garry Thompson (45 years) have retired and a retirement Dinner will be held on the 18th August 2012 at 4pm at the Lithgow Club. Please call Jan, Wendy or Tony on 63549507 or 88565/88510 to secure your tickets.

Newcastle Drivers Frank Lupton (48 years), Mark Andrews (43 years), Stephen Hitchcock (45 years) and Roy Paton (31 years) have also recently retired from Newcastle Depot and a retirement dinner will be held at the Club Macquarie, Cockle Creek on the 15th September 2012. Please contact Graham Holloway on 52405 to secure your tickets.

The Loco Division would like to take this opportunity to thank these members for their continued support of the Loco Division and the union movement for over a combined 260 years and wish all them all a long and happy retirement.

