In-cab surveillance proposal generates debate

May 25, 2021News

Proponents say in-cab surveillance will contribute to better safety, but the RTBU fears it will be used as a stalking horse for the introduction of a Big Brother-style surveillance system.

A PROPOSAL from the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator to mandate the use of in-cab and visual recording devices in Australian trains has generated opposition from the Rail, Tram and Bus Union.

The proposal is being presented to a meeting of federal, state and territory transport ministers this week.

In a document seen by Rail Express, the ONRSR talked of options including voluntary or mandated in-cab audio and video safety recordings in passenger trains and freight locomotives with a view to improving safety and having better information available for researchers.

RTBU national secretary Mark Diamond said the union was concerned about the impacts of constant video surveillance on workers’ mental health.

Read the full article on Rail Express.

