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PN NSW Coal and Bulk EA Negotiations- A Way Forward

Nov 10, 2017News PN Updates

Your RTBU Negotiating Team met with the Company this week on Wednesday and Thursday to continue negotiations in the agreed format of:

– Group A: Focusing on the outstanding matters to be dealt with in Part A of the EA. Group A will also deal with matters pertaining to Administrative employees (Part C).
– Group B: Exploring the important issues specific to Bulk employees/members (whilst utilising the current Bulk EA as the starting point for negotiations).
– Group C: Exploring the important issues specific to Coal employees/members (whilst utilising the current Coal EA as the starting point for negotiations).

The above process has assisted the parties in simplifying the issues. We have been able to clarify the important issues and work together to make steady progress towards resolving these issues.

We are scheduled to meet for a further two days per week during the next two weeks. If required, we have requested that the FWC set aside the 24 November 2017 for conference on any outstanding matters.

Your RTBU Negotiating Team:
– Welcomes this step forward in the negotiations and looks forward to continuing to work with the Company in an effort to reach a resolution, and
– Continues to focus on members number 1 priority of retaining current conditions and seeking ways to clarify any interpretation issues that have caused problems during the term of the your current EA.

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