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AURIZON COAL ENTERPRISE – company log of claims

Nov 10, 2017News

On November 10th, your delegates and the Union sat down with Aurizon Negotiating team to exchange log of claims and to step each party through each log. General Manager, Catherine Baxter, briefly attended the meeting to address the negotiating team on the need of the Log of Claims from the companies’ perspective. The following list is a summary of the companies’ log of claims:

  •  General removal of references to dates, hours and one off payments. (All redundant references of dates of hours from old agreement)

     Remove clause 12 Disciplinary into Policy.

      clause 23 Shift Change, simplified and redrafted

      clause 24 Lift up / Lay back, simplified and redrafted

      clause 25 Shift Cancellations, simplified and redrafted

      Clause 26 Shift Limits in accordance with regulatory approval

      Clause 26.2 Remove sentence re; trainee / freelancer

      Clause 26.4.3 Minimum shift length for Medical Examination shift to 4 hours from 8hours.

      Clause 32.1.2 Change of Interval between shifts at barracks from 10hours to 7 hours

      Remove clause 33.2 re: only rested at barracks once before returning home

      Remove clause 33.3 re; 1st off and 1st on at barracks

      Clause 33.4 payment of barracks detention from 11 hours to 12 hours

      Clause 40review and modernize language and remove redundant wording

      Clause 40.1 removal of picnic days

      Remove clause 40.5 rostered day off on public holiday

      Clause 41 reduce personal / carers leave from 13 days to 10 days

      Clause 41.10 align medical certificates to National Employment Standards

      Clause 41 Modernise language and remove outdated provisions and wording

      Clause 53.9.2 remove of 4 hours penalty payment

      Clause 53.10.1 remove stand alone payment

      Clause 54.1 remove Driver Only Operation allowance

      Clause 54.5 remove Distributed Power Allowance

      Clause 59.4.6 Replace clause into 2 Mainline driver classifications, (Qualified & Non Route)

      Appendix 2 Remove into policy Driver Only Operations

      Appendix 3 Remove the Accommodation Standards

      New Clause; Recovery of Overpayments

    The negotiation teams will be meeting next week on Friday 17th November 2017 to begin the hard slog of negotiations.

    Any inquires please speak with any of the negotiation team.

    Further NEWSFLASHES will be distributed after each sessions, if you do not receive the Newsflashes please email your address to Steve Wright, swright@rtbu-nsw.asn.au

    Click here to download the full Newsflash. 

