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Take back the power and change the rules

Jun 30, 2017News

***From Australian Unions***

Tania works at Spotlight in Wollongong. She is the grandmother of eight, and has been on the minimum award wage for most of her working life. She rations petrol and misses the chances to spend time with her grandkids.

This weekend, when the penalty rate cuts come into force, her wages will be cut.

Across Australia, there’s 700,000 workers like Tania who are going to have their wages cut this weekend.

Meanwhile, our politicians and some of the most wealthy Australians will receive a tax cut. Our politicians have given themselves a pay rise, while people like Tania will have to tighten their belt and ration petrol.

It’s just not fair.

The Australia we once knew, that our parents experienced, is not the reality anymore because the rules that made our country fair are broken.

Our jobs have been casualised, offshored and outsourced. Wage growth is the lowest it’s been since records have been kept, but profits went up 40 per cent last year. The Turnbull Government has voted to cut the penalty rates for 700,000 workers. Employers are rapidly adopting a new tactic of cancelling EBAs to drive pay and conditions down. Wage theft has become a business model.

So we are going to do something about it.

We are building a movement to change the rules to bring fairness back to Australia and there’s a place for you in this movement.

There’s only one way to change the rules, and that’s through a strong, united union movement. And we need you to be part of it.

This week, Australia’s union movement has come together and we have a plan to change the rules that will put more power back in the hands of people like Tania.

We are growing a movement of people who will stand together and demand that our rights be restored.

All working people need better and stronger rights at work. Our demands are simple. We need secure jobs are secure and fair wages.

Yesterday we announced our plan. To make it a reality, we need you.

We want you to become one of our volunteers. We need you to sign up to be part of one of the most powerful movements in Australia’s history.

Only with a strong union movement, one that works together with a plan to win, can we take this critical path.

Here’s what we need you to do. First, watch this speech and get inspired. Share it with your friends and tell them you are excited to be part of a powerful union movement.

Then, check out our campaign kit. It’s got everything you need to do to start telling the stories of working people.

Or, if you’re ready already, click here and sign up to volunteer and take more action in support of the movement that is going to change the rules.

Millions of Australians are depending on us. Are you up for it?

In solidarity,

Sally McManus

ACTU Secretary

