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Sydney Trains reform: latest update

Oct 14, 2015News

Two meetings were held with Sydney Trains this week to discuss its proposed reforms. We know this reform process is important to you, which is why the Loco and Guards Divisions will continue to keep you updated on all the information we have to hand. Keep your eyes peeled for our new fluro green template (click here to see it) – it’s how we’ll provide you with all your reform process updates from now on.

PWC presentation and the ‘lifestyle roster’: Tuesday 13 October

The first meeting was for Sydney Trains to provide responses to the questions following the Price Waterhouse Coopers presentation and to share what Sydney Trains say a possible lifestyle roster could look like.

The concept roster produced was for Richmond Depot and was developed to take into account what Sydney Trains is seeking to change, including unlimited KM’s and 9-hour shifts.

It must be emphasised that the documents produced have not been agreed to by the RTBU, and were produced by Sydney Trains to show what a future roster and payment system could look like.

They also produced documents relating to the PWC Simplified Pay Modeling Approach, which can be seen here.

Delegates have their say: Wednesday 14 October:

A full delegates forum was held to allow Sydney Trains managers to share their vision of the future and explain where their “Future Direction” fitted into their future plans.

A number of Depot Delegates (Mortdale, Penrith, Hornsby, Waterfall, Campbelltown, Blacktown and Richmond) were provided with a copy of a concept roster of what a future direction roster could possibly look like. These rosters produced a lot of initial comments / feedback to Sydney Trains as expected. Sydney Trains agreed to provide concept rosters to the remaining Depots as soon as they have been constructed and members should contact their Depot Delegate to see their roster.

When Sydney Trains had finished their presentation and taken questions from Delegates they then left the meeting.

Delegates were then taken through the results of the initial RTBU Sydney Trains Reform Survey, which will soon be sent to members in a follow up Newsflash.

Delegates at the meeting agreed on the following actions:

  • A depot information tour is to be arranged as soon as possible to brief members, get feedback and discuss options and the process being undertaken as per clause 12 of the EA.
  • Delegates authorised the discussions to continue while at the same time keeping members informed throughout the process/discussions, including additional member surveys and depot meetings.
  • Continue to increase the involvement of additional delegates in the process, including any possible working parties which may evolve out of the discussions.

Click here to see the full Newsflash.

