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Southern Shorthaul Railway Enterprise Agreement Negotiations Update

Nov 29, 2017Update

The RTBU last met with SSR Management on the 10th October 2017. We have not heard from them since. We have also become aware that new Depots have been set up in Victoria, which SSR wants to include within this Enterprise Agreement.

A number of items were discussed on the 10th October 2017, including:

  •   Annual leave – SSR agreed that you be off at 2000hrs prior and resume no earlier than 0600hrs

    following your Annual Leave

  •   Minimum payment of 6 hours
  •   4th Book Off Day – a proposal that they could be paid out or attached to Annual Leave, awaiting

    on wording from SSR

  •   Advise Periods for next turn of Duty, awaiting response from SSR
  •   Career’s Leave – now includes “Dependents”
  •   While SSR have strongly suggested that the Duty Cycle remain the same, SSR have suggested

    that the Duty Cycle to be reviewed at certain intervals to see if the Duty Cycle can be reduced.

    While there were some discussions surrounding the remuneration package, and we rejected their wage offer which was as follows: 1.3% back pay to October 2016 and then 2% for each year starting from October 2017 for a 4 year Enterprise Agreement.

    It is hoped that a meeting will be arranged ASAP to recommence and progress negotiations with SSR in relation to the proposed EA. We will keep members advised as to the progress of negotiations and will issue another bulletin following next meeting.

    If you have any questions, please contact the RTBU Head Office on (02) 9264 3400.

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