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Southern Shorthaul Railway: EA update

Feb 13, 2018Update

The RTBU met with Southern Shorthaul Railway Management on the 12th of February, where a number of outstanding items were discussed in an order to try and finalise a new Enterprise Agreement for SSR members.

  • Duty Cycle – the 988 Duty Cycle is a major issue and as such we have requested that it be reduced to at least half.
  • Posting of the 4th Duty Free Day – we have requested that at least 48 hours notice be given to Members before the company allocates it.
  • Duty Free Days – any grouping of Duty Free Days must start with the first day being 30hrs from 0000hrs and any additional day being 24 hours.
  • Working beyond 10hrs – We have requested that any working beyond 10hrs should attract a meal allowance.
  • Company Car – proposed that the Car allocation be on a 12 month arrangement
  • Wage Increases – we have rejected managements proposal for a 2% increase each year which also includes 1.3% back pay to Oct 2016 from certification from the Fair Work Commission and have put forward 3% each year for 4 years with the proposed back pay of 1.3%

Management has advised that they will respond by the end of this week. If that happens, a meeting will be arranged next week to continue negotiations.

We will keep members advised as to the progress of negotiations and will issue another Newsflash following next week’s meeting.

Click here to download the bulletin

