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RailTrain doesn’t care what you think!

May 3, 2017News

The RTBU, on behalf of members, has applied to the Fair Work Commission to deal with a bargaining dispute with Railtrain.

Railtrain is refusing to allow the RTBU enough time to get members’ feedback about what you want in the new agreement. The company is using deliberate tactics like speedily rushing the agreement through, and has even misled the RTBU about its intentions.

Originally Railtrain put out a timeline stipulating when it would ask you to vote. The company then sent an amended version removing the timeline. This was due to the RTBU applying pressure about the insu cient time Railtrain was allowing for the RTBU to collect member feedback and provide an employee log of claims (list of employee demands).

Despite Railtrain’s commitment to the RTBU to allow more time, it has now started the Access Period and will have you vote this weekend!

Railtrain is trying to bulldoze though an inferior agreement

The RTBU made it very clear to Railtrain that:

  • employee surveys would close on 3 May 2017;
  • certain types of employees had not provided input yet; and
  • the union would need time to collate the information and present a log of claims.

At all times Railtrain indicated that it was allowing enough time for members to have their say. Both its statements to the RTBU and its actions were misleading.

How dare they say they will give you the time to make your demands, and then deliberately avoid it by putting their own shitty agreement out to a vote?!

It seems that Railtrain doesn’t care what you think. We will keep you updated on our progress in the Commission with Failtrain!

In the meantime, make sure you VOTE NO this weekend.

If you are not a member feel free to contact our National O ce on (02) 8203 6099 or via email at rtbu@rtbu.org.au who will then put you in touch with the relevant division so you can join.

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